Earth laughs in flowers but cries in human


Nature is everywhere around us… We are nature, we are animals but why don’t we feel like that anymore? Why do we feel like “human”? No! not even human, robots..
Think about it.. Is it normal all the stuff we have? All the things we do? It is amazing and it is awesome that we can do all the things we want and can make everything that is in our mind. But is this why we are created? Is this why earth wanted us to exists? I don’t think so.

You hear from so many “save the earth” charities and some of them are not just for fun or making money. Our planet is really ruined because of us. Of course we need food but do we really need to catch so many fish from the sea? Half of it is discarded by restaurants and stores, why are we so screwed up because of money!! We are not normal anymore, if you buy something in the store you don’t even know what you eat… If you buy fruit you don’t even know what poison they put on it so they can save it longer. It makes me so sad and angry that this little percentage of people (wealth continents yes, also you and me) ruin the rest of the world.


Nature disappears so we have luxury, people on this planet doesn’t even have enough water to drink and we have the cleanest water in the world and we throw it away like it is nothing, endangered plants and animals who has just as much right to live free on this planet than us but we put them in cages for MONEY!! It is very very bad with our planet. And it shocked me the most that all this wealth started only like 60 years ago. That means that you can imagine how fast this planet is dying… our planet. We do everything for money, but what if our earth is going down? Money doesn’t save us, it is nice to have it, but in the end life and nature is what we need.

*Here you can see a documentary “HOME”
It shows what we are doing here and how fast we ruin the planet earth. It is a real eye opener and I hope that we can do something for our real home. I hope that people share this story & documentary as much they can.

Save our planet, we are all earhlings





Nuts, you can see it as a good snack or as candy… you have them in all tastes and sizes. But I personally never liked them, not necessarily the taste but how you chew it. But my colleague told me a while ago that almonds are very good as a afternoon snack and that you can call them superfood. But I didn’t do much with that information because I just didn’t like nuts and there are many superfoods I eat daily. But than I read on the instagram from a girl with amazingly long, big, shiny hair that she eat many almonds for her hair, and that changes things. Superfood + superhair! So I did my research  and run to the ‘nuts store’ to try the almonds.

They taste soooo different than normal nuts! Taste like vanilla or something?! And they are full of vitamins & minerals and good for the heart, brains and your digestion. If you make a routine from a daily handful of almonds (about 24 pieces) it can help to lower your “bad” cholesterol, reduce, the risk of heart disease and diabetes. There are many more reasons why they are healthy for you, but these must be enough to add almonds to your daily routine.


* You can eat them as a afternoon snack like I do, or you can mix them in a smoothie, biscuits or even cupcakes, you can make almond butter or almond milk. There are many things you can make with the delicious almonds. Let’s be creative!

Click here for how you can make the almond milk
Click here for how you can make the almond butter
Click here for how you can make the almond biscuits
Click here for how you can make the almond smoothie




We all want to look good, especially when we are training! (yeah!) It is even extra motivation. It always makes me excited to go out for a run or doing yoga in the woods if I have new gear. That’s why I reward myself after I have reached a new goal, it really helps girls!

But I still have to wait a few weeks until I may wear my next treats, after I run the 12 km dirtkings and 10 km ladiesrun. But that doesn’t mean I can not buy them already!! haha! This amazing webshop has expanded their huge assortment with movement clothes! Yes, yes, yes!! If you want something special to wear, you should definitely buy it here. It is full of prints, colours, and original items.

Here you see a few gorgeous items, for more movement click here.

32344947_011_a Cody Top


Mantra Crop Legging

31455736_001_aStrappy Back Leotard


Custom Painted Stand Up Paddle Board


Beyond Words Excersock


Lattice Back Bra



Free your thoughts

eYesterday I was talking with my bfffff, and it was about being honest. It is the hardest thing in some situations but also the easiest. We all have million silent questions in a day, some silly onces like “Why is she wearing that jacket with those shoes?!” or harder onces like “why isn’t he answering?”, “why people say those things about me?” and you can keep thinking, making up answers for yourself, “ahh probably because…” You waste your time, as long as you keep guessing and keep the questions for yourself, you would never know the answer.

What about just ask the person what’s going on? YESSSS, that is the better option! I’ve noticed that so many people are afraid to walk to the person and ask the questions that are stuck in their head. Why is that so scary?


tumblr_n3z4e6SMBO1qjb0reo1_500I like to experiment with my deep thoughts about life, also with this subject; I started with “investigate” how many times people keep questions to theirselves or act like they don’t care about several things. Than I try out how people react when I asked the questions that pop op in my head, without making up a weird story to get the answer. Just simple “what is the reason that you lie?”, “why do you behave like that?” or “Why do you make a fight instead of asking her?” <- CLASSIC!

That was funny, because the reactions were very different, you can see how people really are. Most of them started laughing, they liked that I asked straight to the point and answered the question honest… it solved more issues than I expected. But other people were shocked or lie… “Like omg why you asked?” Or “no, I’ve never said that”

Who looked like a fool here? Me because I was honesty asking what I wanted to know, or them because they got caught?


It is such a relief to say what is on your mind, no matter how hard it is at the moment. If you don’t want to do something, say it instead of doing things that you don’t want to and screw it up. Ask that person what is going on instead of being bitchie and making fights for nothing. Ask your boyfriend about the girl instead of thinking that he is cheating. Most of the time things looks worser then they really are do not get fooled by that. Get real to others and especially to yourself.

You are a magical creature, with a lot of power… Use the power that you have for more amazing things.


Loving life,