Get inspired: HUNTERGRAPHY


Have you discovered huntergraphy already?

About: “The name is Jamie de Jager. I am 19 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I am addicted to: Chicken wings, James bond movies, travelling, making pictures, editing, kickboxing and LAUGHING. Nowadays I am stuDYING at the high school of Amsterdam, I study: Media, information & communication.”



I’ve known this girl for a while now, we were in class together and she is such a beautiful and inspiring human being. At her awesome blog (serious, check out her layout, so creative) you can find several things about food, fitspiration, photography, interior, her own style and much more.

Why Huntergraphy? Her name is Jamie de Jager, and “Jager” means in Dutch “hunter”. She loves photography and she is also a model.


“Weird is just a side effect of being awesome”



Go hunt!




Free your thoughts

eYesterday I was talking with my bfffff, and it was about being honest. It is the hardest thing in some situations but also the easiest. We all have million silent questions in a day, some silly onces like “Why is she wearing that jacket with those shoes?!” or harder onces like “why isn’t he answering?”, “why people say those things about me?” and you can keep thinking, making up answers for yourself, “ahh probably because…” You waste your time, as long as you keep guessing and keep the questions for yourself, you would never know the answer.

What about just ask the person what’s going on? YESSSS, that is the better option! I’ve noticed that so many people are afraid to walk to the person and ask the questions that are stuck in their head. Why is that so scary?


tumblr_n3z4e6SMBO1qjb0reo1_500I like to experiment with my deep thoughts about life, also with this subject; I started with “investigate” how many times people keep questions to theirselves or act like they don’t care about several things. Than I try out how people react when I asked the questions that pop op in my head, without making up a weird story to get the answer. Just simple “what is the reason that you lie?”, “why do you behave like that?” or “Why do you make a fight instead of asking her?” <- CLASSIC!

That was funny, because the reactions were very different, you can see how people really are. Most of them started laughing, they liked that I asked straight to the point and answered the question honest… it solved more issues than I expected. But other people were shocked or lie… “Like omg why you asked?” Or “no, I’ve never said that”

Who looked like a fool here? Me because I was honesty asking what I wanted to know, or them because they got caught?


It is such a relief to say what is on your mind, no matter how hard it is at the moment. If you don’t want to do something, say it instead of doing things that you don’t want to and screw it up. Ask that person what is going on instead of being bitchie and making fights for nothing. Ask your boyfriend about the girl instead of thinking that he is cheating. Most of the time things looks worser then they really are do not get fooled by that. Get real to others and especially to yourself.

You are a magical creature, with a lot of power… Use the power that you have for more amazing things.


Loving life,

The inspiring; JAY ALVARREZ


I like Life raw.. No stress no chemicals, no drugs, ratty hair and less clothing. I like to be sober & rowdy and do the things I love to keep me up, I like to be alone and I love everything thats natural.. Say what you feel and forget how others judge you.. The things that keep me happy are simple yet amazing, I love where I am from and what I am… Only secret iv’e learn to be happy in life is to be Content and not insecure for what you are express what you do and feel & build up no pain… No clouds in my life… ✖️


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Jay Alvarrez,


18 years old but goshhh what a strong mind has this kid. With his photography, sexy looks and his different & amazing lifestyle he conquers the world. He is one of the most inspiring people I know from the internet, so wild & free and very creative how he choose to live his life…

1He is living on one of the most beautiful places on the world: Oahu Hawaii North Shore, isn’t this like paradise?!

12 8Isn’t it amazing how this young guy could find a way, to turn his life around to a real paradise? His world is a fairytale, OUR world is his fairytale. What do you think about that? We can all make our lives in to a magical surprising place, we live in the same world as Jay and he is a real life example for “make your dreams come true”. He followed his dreams, and he did what was really good for himself instead of what “the world” expected from him. He made a difference took chances and that is what I call a hero.13 914


Anonymous asked: When did you make the biggest change in your life ?
This made me think a lot for some reason probably because you caught me in-between emotions.. Growing up I always was kinda outta the group and loop of a lot of the other kids just more different not cool enough or whatever it was I got shit from other kids because my style & what I liked to do, Girls never liked me because I was weird & different & because I wouldn’t do what everyone else would to fit in. It bugged me a lot sometimes as a kid I lowered my standards to a lot of different things in life and kind of accepted that maybe I’m just made differently and not as good as everyone else. skip forward a few years & now I’m 14-15 Around this time my mom got diagnosed with cancer and had a year to live.. it wasn’t for awhile till I realized what was going on.. when you are a kid everything blends together mix’s between dreamy things and little worries because these years you really are learning things in life new emotion come into play so often and you are so venerable to outside sources and honestly looking back everything from when I was 15 years and younger felt like a different life something that almost was so far away from me but every smell of something brought back vivid nostalgic memories. It only happened a few months before my mothers death where I started understand the feel behind peoples words I learned empathy and realized theres more in the world then just in my mind & what I believe and how I see things. I stopped going to school in 7th grade because people judged me because I was stressed out about school I would wake up at 6am get back at 4pm and learn nothing, literally. Everyone judged my for dropping out of school but for the last 5 years I haven’t had an alarm clock set haven’t had any stress of school work and I’ve been able to spend time in nature and travel and meet so so so so many amazing people. left and right people who change your understanding of life forever, things you wont learn in high school. most of all a big change combined with this and my mothers illness was sympathy and understanding and this sound bold but it played a huge part in any success in my life I kept quiet beneath everyone else I learned how everything ticked and tocked and worked together and how things reacted with each other it really was a science part of my life of learning things. I started to express emotion with other people like me.. I started to blend with others. I learned that no matter who you are you are flawed ether noticeably or within.. this made me so much more comfortable with who and what I was. Photos have always been a favorite of me because I have always lived such a creative life anything and everything iv’e touched i just naturally want to make mine in some way or at least leave a mark, I’m such a rowdy playful soul no matter what it is i’ve hurt people and have blessed people but both have benefited me in learned more about life.. a big step after was coming into conscious with my inner soul I stopped feeding myself anything harmful I started feeding my soul and not my pleasure side of my mind. I started making my self form a taste for healthy food I have always been averagely healthy but I really started eating weird foods that others wouldn’t touch things I know make my body and mind happy. In my view you are made of three things cut separately. You have your subconscious.. you have your body and mind.. and you have your soul. in order to stay in tune with life you must keep all 3 in a working order. all 3 are here to only make things good for you. Your body does not want anything bad to happened within or to you. Its all a chain reaction. you have to nourish your body and mind to be healthy you must be active you have to do things that make you feel pain so you can become stronger mentally and physically. Your sub conscious is your other half it catches everything you don’t it reads your surrounding its important to fill it with things you love and come to understand it and treat it well because it all comes back to you. It also has a huge play on the way you feel when you don’t pay attention and even more in your dreams when you sleep. The last is your soul is who and what you are its the emotions you feel and the things you love feed your soul by love and other people feed it with the things you love and that make time move by faster. once you get all three of these in working order you will be all around more happy and content. I’ve entered an entire new world literally because being able to control and learn my sub conscious iv’e got really into lucid dreaming.. & I look forward going to sleep every night because I get lost in this crazy world in my mind and its just magic and bliss its better then any drug on psychedelic you could do, I’ve spent time with my mother in my dreams I’ve seen and done things you can’t do in real life. I don’t know how to explain it but lucid dreaming is basically when you are aware you are dreaming and you can take advantage of it, your sub conscious is what makes your dreams landscapes and the things around you and so becoming internally content with it. I started making a name for myself through taking photo’s of my lifestyle & the things around me and it started to inspire people around me i’d get people writing to me about how i’ve made them re evaluate life or sooth there mind and soul. And still to this day I don’t understand how or what but doing something I love & making other people happy while I do it is a no brainer. Seriously Find what you love and do it as much as you can, forever. I’ve learned by exposing my self and not hiding my feelings and thoughts I went from feeling alone to being more loved then ever I have amazing friends all over this planet now. Girls use to never look at me now I can literally seduce and dig into a girls soul and eyes. I’ve gone to places now I thought I never would have in life. I’ve gotten opportunities I never would have before.. People give me more respect for doing something with my life now. Life is a trip and I’m only 18 I got alot ahead of me and I can’t wait for it all to unfold… These are some of the biggest changes in my life sorry If that was long but I’d rather share a little bit of what I learned. I could go on for days, but both of us would be exhausted.

– Jay Alvarrez

tumblr_n1dchtBXAd1qlzcbho1_500 7

16jay6155As you can see is this beautiful soul not only a photographer but guess what?! Also a successful model by L.A. Models & Next Miami & Premier Hawaii.10 417

3Cant get enough? You can see much much more about Jay’s life on;

Get inspired!




Summer Vibessss

Voel jij ook al dat de zomer er weer langzaam aankomt en kun je niet wachten tot je weer lekker op een terrasje kunt zitten met je vrienden of lekker een lange dag op het strand rond kunt bazuinen? Nou ikke wel! Ik heb al zeker de zomer in mijn bol. De warme bries door je haren, de warmte van de zon op je huid, zonder dikke jas naar buiten, teen-slippertjes aan, en mijn favoriete voordeel van de zomer is het heerlijke zomerfruit! hmm…

Maar gelukkig liet vandaag het zonnetje zijn gezicht weer zien, ik twijfelde geen moment om naar buiten te gaan. Mijn sportoutfit aan, skates mee en op naar het bos om eens even lekker uit te razen en tegelijk vitamine-D op te doen. Alleen ik vergis me er altijd heel erg in dat ondanks dat het weer er lekker uit ziet, het toch verraderlijk koud kunt zijn. Dus een (bekende) tip voor de Nederlanders onder ons; neem ALTIJD iets extra’s mee, je kunt beter wat kleding uit doen dan te weinig bij je hebben.


I can not wait until the summer is here… I know that a lot of you who live in Australia, Hawaii, Miami etc. still have summer this moment and goshhh I am so jealous! I post before (few months ago) that I also love the winter, and I still do! Until Christmas and New Year haha! Then it get’s boring, if we have snow it disappear this time of the year and only the grey rainy weather if left. People also getting annoyed and unfriendly because they are stuck inside their houses and haven’t seen “real” sunlight for months. These summer photo’s made me sooo excited for summer! I make myself crazy, I am already searching for nice trips to the sun -> California!

Anyway, to make you also crazy and excited for summer, here are a little pre-summer vibes! X
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